Examples of the outcome of Merit:
1. A long life because one did not kill in the past 2. Freedom from illness because one did not treat animals badly or cause them distress
Commentorial Metaphors: Indulgence in sensual pleasures:
A pig content to wallow in dung: Indulging in sensual pleasures is rather like a pig, which spends all its life wallowing in the warm mud and dung of its pigsty because it thinks that this is the ultimate happiness.
Ways to Make Merit
We should always remember that every single good act we perform constitutes merit.
Fruits of Merit
This benefit takes effects very quickly. Once we do good things, our mind becomes purer. We do not have to wait until the next life, but it occurs in our mind instantly.
The Benefits of Staying in an Appropriate Environment:
1. Receive happiness and joy 2. Make both worldly and spiritual progress
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Blameless Work (3)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fifth Group of Blessings. Blessing Eighteen :- Blameless Work.
3. The Husband-Wife Relationship
A third important factor influencing social development is the quality of the relationship between husband and wife
The Virtuous must see the harm of the Six Roads to Ruin
The Six Roads to Ruin [apayamukha] mean specifically the six forms of behaviour which lead to the inadvertent erosion of our wealth.
Social Disaster : Protection and Correction
Before inventing the measures to protect the society from the great disaster and to correct it, one must fathom the true root of the disaster
Mixing with the Wise
Who is a Wise Person? 1. A wise person is someone who knows the difference between good and bad